Friday, April 25, 2008

PA Primary - Free Sandwich for Voting....Really

The field team at Election Journal found a Philadelphia Mcdonalds offering free sandwiches with proof of registration.

They also conducted this interview outside:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"You Can Get It On Ebay"

In 2007 the online marketplace Ebay reported $7.67 billion in revenue. Ebay provides millions of international users the ability to join together online to buy and sell anything from automobiles and electronics to the Secret of Eternal Life (for only $7.77). Ebay's success has been fueled by the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people, and that spirit is especially healthy with N.C. State University student Sarah Yasin.

Ms. Yasin attempted to sell her vote in the North Carolina Democratic primary for a starting bid of 15 cents the Charlotte Observer reports:

"She did it partly as a laugh, partly as a cynical jab at the candidates who struck her as salesmen.

Either way, the state Board of Elections frowned on Yasin's gesture. Buying and selling votes is illegal, and the N.C. State University senior's gag advertisement got pulled this week."

Just because Ms Yasin was willing to sell her vote, it doesn't mean anyone would buy it. But the Observer further reports:

"Her eBay post went up last Friday. Before she took it down on Tuesday, the bidding had climbed from 15 cents to $11.50."

Vote buying is certainly old news and a time honored tradition in some locales. But technologically advanced internet vote marketing is a relatively new strategy; pioneered in Maryland and Missouri.

Sarah Yasin didn't mean any harm though as CBS News explains:

"Ben Mazur, senior in religious studies, said he remembers the moment Yasin put the vote online.

"She called me before she set it all up and said, 'Check your e-mail in about half an hour. I'm about to do something really funny,'" Mazur said." buying is hilarious!

I prefer my Ebay humor slightly more legal.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Q: Can Elections be Stolen? A: Michael Capuano (D-MA) "I Can Tell You How To Do It"

Rest assured that democracy is safe in the hands of statesmen like Michael Capuano from Massachusetts' 8th district.

The Committee on House Administration reviewed legislation on Wednesday that would provide federal reimbursement to states that switch to paper ballot systems in time for the 2008 election.

In his assessment of H.R. 5036 Congressman Capuano pointed out that elections are readily stolen. Oh you don’t believe him!...Well he’ll tell you how to do it. Enjoy his remarks above.

We should feel fortunate that Speaker Pelosi sought to appoint this patriot as Chairman of the Task Force on Ethics Enforcement.

Rep Capuano’s “powerful” committee on Wednesday also adjudicated important legislation regarding management of the house staff’s free fitness facility and staff pay cycles.