Thursday, April 3, 2008

Q: Can Elections be Stolen? A: Michael Capuano (D-MA) "I Can Tell You How To Do It"

Rest assured that democracy is safe in the hands of statesmen like Michael Capuano from Massachusetts' 8th district.

The Committee on House Administration reviewed legislation on Wednesday that would provide federal reimbursement to states that switch to paper ballot systems in time for the 2008 election.

In his assessment of H.R. 5036 Congressman Capuano pointed out that elections are readily stolen. Oh you don’t believe him!...Well he’ll tell you how to do it. Enjoy his remarks above.

We should feel fortunate that Speaker Pelosi sought to appoint this patriot as Chairman of the Task Force on Ethics Enforcement.

Rep Capuano’s “powerful” committee on Wednesday also adjudicated important legislation regarding management of the house staff’s free fitness facility and staff pay cycles.

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